I wanted to start a new regular column here at Affiliate Bible entitled “Answering Your Questions”. I get a lot of traffic where search engine visitors type the keywords in a form of a question, and I thought I would do them and you a service by answering all these questions, to help future search engine visitors.
If you have any questions you’d like me to publicly answer, either leave them in the comments below or use the contact form. Just please specify that it is for the next “Answering Your Questions”.
Each article will cover 5 questions.
All of the below questions are questions that were typed into Google in April 2011 where the searcher found AffiliateBible.com.
Who Is The Best Poker Affiliate?
This is quite the question. I mean it’s really hard to judge – is the best poker affiliate the one that makes the most money? That’s the best at converting players? The best at SEO?
To me, the best poker affiliate is one whose goal isn’t just to make money – it’s to do everything they can to support online poker. They just happen to get rich in the process!
Based on that, I’d say PokerStrategy.com are one of the best poker affiliates. They focus strongly on the poker ecosystem, and from turning the short-term fish into long-term rakers, with a combination of free bankrolls and strategy questions. There are literally thousands of poker players playing today that wouldn’t be playing if it wasn’t for PokerStrategy.com.
I’d also have to give props to Karim at RakeTheRake. RTR make a hell of a lot of money, and they put a large percentage of that back into the poker players hands in the form or rakeback, rake chases etc. Karim is also always on the 2+2 forums dealing with players and offering excellent customer service, and they run some simply fantastic promos giving away free Ipads etc.
How long before you make money as a poker affiliate?
This one really depends on how good you are at internet marketing. In all honestly I’d be surprised if the majority of new poker affiliates make ANY money – they fail to grasp the basic concepts of internet marketing, and look at it as a get rich quick scheme.
Honestly? If you’re looking to become a poker affiliate then forget about making money – follow my step by step guide and focus more on creating an awesome website, and valuable resource for players. Quality websites and making money usually come together.
What is the best Casino Affiliate Program?
This changes constantly – but at the time I would highly recommend Slotland Affiliates. They accept US players, have fantastic customer service, offer some unique features that no other casino has(like Roulette 5), and have great retention & conversion.
Slotland Affiliates are currently my #1 program to promote.
How To get Sportsbook Conversions?
I’ve written quite a few methods on sportsbook conversions in the Sportsbook Affiliate Bible.
I’d just like to add that I think the #1 method of conversions when it comes to Sportsbooks at the moment is the mailing list. Focus on the mailing list. You know how all those sportsbooks are currently closing to new US players? I’d be using that as a fear factor: send out an e-mail warning your players about this, and telling them sportsbooks that DO accept US players.
There’s nothing that’ll make a player jump to another site more than the fear of losing their hard-earned money.
How do you negotiate with a Sportsbook Affiliate Manager?
I have an article planned in the near future about negotiations, so I won’t go into too much detail here. However whenever you are negotiating with ANY Affiliate Manager, you need to be able to show them that it makes sense to give you a higher CPA or revenue share percentage.
Don’t just ask them “Can I have more money” – show them why you should earn more money. If you’ve already been sending them traffic and a lot of income then you can point to that as an easy example: “If you want this traffic to keep coming I need a higher percentage”.
If you’ve just signed up with them then show stats from other programs, or show the value of them giving you a higher percentage of the pie. “If you give me a $200 CPA I’ll be advertising you in this spot, this spot and this spot which usually convert 25% of the time.”
Charts. Powerpoint presentations. Spreadsheets. This is the sort of data that can make these negotiations go a lot smoother.
Well that’s it for this time – it’s fun and easy to answer questions, so I’ll write more of these articles for sure.