Welcome to yet another TGIM – Thank God It’s Monday!
I can’t believe this is going to be the FIFTH TGIM – where the hell does the time go?
Unfortunately, I was unable to hit Affiliate Bible with the planned Article Bomb this week. Honestly, the writing and effort I put into 10 Marketing Alternatives to Banner Ads sucked the life out of me.
When it comes to Affiliate Bible, I always let creativity dictate what I do, and this was no exception. I was out with the kids when I got the e-mail with Nicks suggestion to write the article. BTW Nick – hope to see a lot of those suggestions soon at Intense Gambling!
Immediately upon seeing the e-mail my brain went into overload, and I knew as soon as I got home I was writing that article. I spent a good couple of hours on it, and it was fun to do. It even gave me some ideas – I’m going to have to split-test that testimonial CTA because it really stood out to me as something different, that might just work.
Fantasy Football
Had my draft in the main league I am in, on Thursday. Oh god I screwed up bad – after numerous meetings with my brother in law where we debated over who to pick – we completely missed the fact that it was a goddamn auction draft. I realized it literally 5 minutes before the draft, so all our plans went out the window.
I don’t think I did TOO bad though:
I would’ve prepared Brady over Rivers(and they went for the same amount), but Rivers came up before Brady and I was getting worried about spending too much for Brady. A lot of my points will be relying on the Lions this season!
It’s going to be an easy week for me this week work wise – nice and simple. The design and coding is almost done for the new Casino Answers, but there’s a TON of work on my end to do. I’ll be splitting the work with one of my employees, but it’s still going to be a fair amount of work and will begin most likely next week.
I’m probably going to spend Monday-Wednesday writing content and building links for my new websites so I don’t have to worry about them for the next couple of weeks. I could outsource that, but when I first build a website I like to focus on the initial writing myself until I fulfill my vision for the site.
This is also the last weekend before my kids go back to school, so I’ll be taking Thursday->Monday off to spend time with them.
Hence the title of this weeks TGIM…
Take Some Time Off
When I say take time off, I don’t just mean take the rest of the day off and go play XBox or something.
Plan a period of days that you are going to take off. Minimum 4 days up to a maximum of a week.
What will you do with that time? Who cares. Go on a trip, watch TV, do stuff around the house, read books, spend time cooking and learning new recipes(ie: blue waffles) – whatever, just anything except work.
The important thing is not what you do – it’s the fact that you’re taking time off.
Scheduled some time to take off? Great. Now what you do before that time off, is make up a to do list of EVERYTHING you need to accomplish before you take that time off. Basically look at the time you have before you’re on “vacation”, and figure out what work you want to do.
It’s a little brain trick – when you have an “end” date or a “due date” it’s typical that you will rush through everything right at the end. By having a “due date” where you have to do all this work – your whole attitude will change, and you’ll be more apt to work like a maniac to get it done in time, so you can enjoy the time off without thinking about it.
And that’s your motivational tip of the week!
Link of the Week
I saw this posted by Roger on PAL and wanted to link it here to give it additional exposure:
Link Building with the Experts
Fantastic read. Make another cup of tea before you start to read it though!
Bonus Link: David Thorne is the man.
Video of the Week
(In case the video is taken down, it’s the highlights of Man U 8-2 Arsenal)
God, that was fantastic. It’s not even because I hate Arsenal(although I do) as it is me just LOVING a club in crisis. I hope they get relegated if only because it’ll be great going them in Football Manager 2013!
I’m off to sit outside in the hammock, pull up my Netbook and just write content for the next few days. Have a great week, and don’t forget to take some time off!