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Dealer Dan, pictured here with WWE Superstar Mick Foley, has been in internet marketing since 1996. He likes hugs, long walks on the beach, and making money while wearing his jammy jams. For more information, you can read all about Dealer Dan. » Dealer Dans Blog » Thank Italy It’s Monday

Thank Italy It’s Monday

Thank you Italy, and thank you Super Mario Balotelli for defeating England on Saturday night in the World Cup.

Being Scottish means I – well, sadly I rarely have a team to cheer for in the World Cup. Of course I’m betting on every game, do have my favourites and am always into it – but generally every major national championship these days comes down to “As long as England don’t win it, I’m happy”. Even better if they get gubbed in the group stages.

We Scots don’t hate English people personally or anything – we just generally hate them as a nation as a whole. A great example of that actually was right after Italy defeated England 2-1. You would have thought that England had won, the way the commentators go on. Talking about what a great performance it was, what a spirited performance it was.

It’s going to be interesting though because England do have the potential to be lethal. Having Welbeck, Sterling and Sturridge racing all over the place – all you need is someone there to put in the through balls, get some creativity going and bobs your uncle. That switch of Rooney/Sterling could come back to haunt Hodgson. Going to be interesting to see how they line up next.

And I really liked Italy. I thought Immobile would be the hero but Balotelli is showing what a season in Serie A has meant to him. In the first half he wasn’t very impressives but he brought it on in the second half. If he can perform more like that throughout the tournament they’re real contenders.

Overall though a fantastic start to the World Cup with a ton of goals. Funny to see Under 2.5 being the favourite in almost every game at the bookies, and now it’s drastically changing to the Overs. Hope the goalscoring keeps up.

Random World Cup Thoughts:

  • Boy, was some of the commentary and media embarassing after Frances second goal. A clear goal, yet so many of them were just clueless about the goal-line technology, and on whatever American station I was watching it on they wouldn’t shut up about the controversial goal. Embarassing.
  • Hopefully Croatia can keep their discipline as they didn’t really deserve to lose to Brazil. Jelavic is one of my favourite players and I’d love to see them make the next round.
  • Australia may cause Spain & Holland some problems, and I wouldn’t write them off yet. They put everything through Cahill, and with the high defensive lines their combination of through balls and deep crosses could ultimately be lethal. Would love to see the Aussies cause an upset.
  • Argentina did not look good at all. I had Bosnia on a Draw No Bet there and I still feel it was the right bet, despite the loss. Bosnia looked very solid and if not for that own goal, could have been an entirely different game. And of course the media are all over “Magical Messi”, ignoring the fact that he was probably the worst Argentinian on the pitch in the first half.

I’m the Uruguay of Webmasters:

Seriously – the amount of errors I’ve been making on my World Cup Tips site is just insane.

I’ve already covered it in depth in this article – but that was all pre-launch. Now it’s launched – I still seem to be making mistake after mistake.

Some of the things I’ve did in the past 2-3 days:

  • Written articles but forgot to post them.
  • Posted articles but forgot to interlink them on their category pages.
  • Left in Placeholder text in some of the articles.
  • Got confused with the dates, and only put up tips articles 2 days before when it should be 4 days.Put in the wrong ID on my mailing list, so people couldn’t subscribe.
  • Linked to pages that don’t exist.
  • Tipped Spain vs Holland as a “quiet” game with few goals.
  • Completely forgot to put a content CTA in my tips articles.

That last one is actually the worst – traffic wise from search engines, the site was a massive success yesterday. It’s been doing 50-100 a day and yesterday it did over 500 unique hits from search engines, yet I didn’t have a bloody in-content CTA.

I’ll just blame it all on World Cup Fever I guess.


Just a quick note that the next few T_IM’s will most likely be 100% about the World Cup, or close to it.

Football is my life, and I often have to pinch myself to remind myself that yet – this is real life. I am sitting down on a Saturday from 12pm until 11pm watching football game after football game – that’s my job. I’m going down the pub to watch the games, hanging out with friends and watching games.

One of my favourite motivational quotes is If you can dream it, you can do it. If you can imagine it, you can be it.

While I probably didn’t have this specific dream – it’d be nice to be able to go back to the 14-15 year old me. The pimply faced youngster who would get up at 4am, and spend 3 hours in pissing rain delivering over a hundred newspapers each day – all for the paltry sum of £10 per week. To go back in time and tell him that his future job would involve sitting around in the sunshine, drinking beer and eating wings.

It truly is amazing what hard work can accomplish.

Now come on CR20 – show everyone just WHY you’re the best player in the world and take down the Germans today!

And F U Messi.

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This article, as are all articles on, was written by Graeme aka "Dealer Dan". Graeme currently resides in Kingston, Ontario and has been running his own internet marketing business since 1996.

This article was written on June 16, 2014 however all articles are looked at on a monthly basis and updated to keep them relevant.

If you need to contact Graeme, please see his Contact Page. If you are an affiliate manager wanting promoted please see this page.

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