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Dealer Dan, pictured here with WWE Superstar Mick Foley, has been in internet marketing since 1996. He likes hugs, long walks on the beach, and making money while wearing his jammy jams. For more information, you can read all about Dealer Dan. » Step by Step Affiliate Marketing Guide » Signing Up With Affiliate Programs

Signing Up With Affiliate Programs

To make money in affiliate marketing, we now have to sign up with certain affiliate programs.

Some affiliate programs are easy and obvious to sign up with.  If your site involves selling pokemon toys, then you’d want to promote affiliate programs like Amazon & Toys R Us, or any other online retailers that sell Pokemon.

If your website is currently comprised of online casino reviews, then you’d obviously want to sign up for the casino affiliate programs that house those casino properties, ie: Casino Coins, Best Casino Partners.

Sometimes it isn’t as obvious however and you will need to do research.  If your website is dedicated to online poker tournament strategy, then you really need to be looking for poker rooms to promote that offer great online poker tournaments, or to be more specific: poker tournaments that fit in with your current content.

I’ve got affiliate program reviews up for a variety of affiliate programs that can help you out.  You can also at this point contact me if you need some help determining who to promote.

Finally, I’ve got a list below of practically every affiliate program that you can sign up with.  All these links are direct links to the affiliate program and you can sign up and look at the available marketing material, and all the data available for the properties offered.

To begin with, I’d look at working with just a few affiliate programs as you don’t want to get overwhelmed at this stage.  Here is the list of the top affiliate programs to look into, depending on what you are wanting to promote:

Poker Affiliate Programs

  1. Euro Partners
  2. Sports Interaction (Only accept Canadians)
  3. Poker Affiliate Solutions (Wide Variety)

Casino Affiliate Programs

  1. Slotland Affiliates
  2. Euro Partners

Bingo, Sports Betting and Non-Gambling lists are coming soon!

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This article, as are all articles on, was written by Graeme aka "Dealer Dan". Graeme currently resides in Kingston, Ontario and has been running his own internet marketing business since 1996.

This article was written on November 12, 2010 however all articles are looked at on a monthly basis and updated to keep them relevant.

If you need to contact Graeme, please see his Contact Page. If you are an affiliate manager wanting promoted please see this page.

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