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Dealer Dan, pictured here with WWE Superstar Mick Foley, has been in internet marketing since 1996. He likes hugs, long walks on the beach, and making money while wearing his jammy jams. For more information, you can read all about Dealer Dan. » Step by Step Affiliate Marketing Guide » What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)?

What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization is exactly what it sounds like: a website which is optimized for search engines.

You’ve probably heard the infamous quote from time to time “It takes a minute to learn, but a lifetime to master”. That’s Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, in a nutshell.

Ultimately, search engine optimization is optimizing your website for search engines. The basics of that include allowing search engines to actually visit your website, having an easy navigational structure for the search engines to understand, and having a well laid out website with well structured content so that the search engine robots are able to index your website with ease.

Of course there’s a lot more to it than that – and that’s where optimization comes in. It’s not enough to just appear in the search engines – you need to optimize your website and your pages so that they rank higher than all other pages for specific keywords.

If someone is googling “play poker online” and you’re #180 in the Google search results, you’re going to make $0 from people searching for that keyword. Compare that in contrast to if you were #1 for that phrase, where you’ll earn enough money to buy your own island.

You have to optimize your website via a variety of means, which include internal and external linking, keyword density, domain name, permalink structure, and oh so much more. It’s very hard to summarize because there are literally thousands of books and websites on the subject of search engine optimization.

The main thing is not to get overwhelmed with it – start with the basics of SEO and work from there. Do a search for any random phrase, then ask yourself “Why is this website listed at #1 and this website is listed at #10?”

SEO is one of those things you won’t learn immediately – however it’s one of those things that if you are a good affiliate marketer you’ll never stop learning.

Throughout this guide you’ll learn basic SEO, and that’s all you need to get started.

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This article, as are all articles on, was written by Graeme aka "Dealer Dan". Graeme currently resides in Kingston, Ontario and has been running his own internet marketing business since 1996.

This article was written on November 12, 2010 however all articles are looked at on a monthly basis and updated to keep them relevant.

If you need to contact Graeme, please see his Contact Page. If you are an affiliate manager wanting promoted please see this page.

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